The recently turned 20 year old triple threat was rehydrating with a bottled water after the long flight while waiting for his checked-in luggage.
an indefinite quest. these are the pieces picked up along the way as well as pieces that fell off or discarded in the journey.
wat kind of competitor?
in academic? socially? sports? LOVE?
general question deserves a general answer.
the general answer to dat is im generally not a competitive person.
satisfied with the answer?
*if yes stop here, if no continue reading
y is dat? coz u think dat i am a competitive person? ok then, i will elaborate. i am not a generally competitive person but i am a specifically competitive person.
*wth? dats more confusing. and 'generally not a competitive person' and 'not a generally competitive person' is 2 different things. its a new rephrased answer not elaboration.
i do like challenges because it is self-improving and sometimes challenges comes in a form of a competitor. specifically cause all these years i went through phases and in different phases, i find some aspects more important than others as i view the world differently. for example, i dont really strive for academic excellence during a-level, and it would just be an embarrassment to the person dat i look as competitor by the amount of work i put into studying.
looking back, i really dont have people dat i view as a competitor. coz for me a competition is more about the self-improvement and is not about the competition. mostly i view those people that challenges me as comrades, and we will improve together. either at the same pace, or i chase him/her or he/her chase me, we will both move forward.
and if dat answer still does not satisfy u my competitor is myself. and my imaginary friends. and my alter ego, the deceased dumb blonde cheryl, the latino + nigga from the ghetto Gangsta A-y-l, the snobby brit illegitimate son of the queen dat doesnt even care to introduce himself to such lowlife and much more
thank you for asking and allowed me to bs about something. please come again n give me another topic
its expected but not recommended
expected coz i am
1. good looking
2. charming
3. smart
4. ingenious
5. adept
not recommended coz
i am unbound person. i like variety to the extend that i get bored and move on easily. so the possibility of me maintaining a monogamous stable relationship will be very low. i might either break off the relationship, pull a disappearing act(m.i.a) or have affairs.
but this only apply to the general public.
u however are quite different n unique. u r random and u surprises me sometimes so perhaps u are able to keep me interested in you. u r smart and can hold ur own opinion against me in an aggressive argument i respect ur opinions n enjoys arguing with u and i believe it's great for my personal development n growth. and with all my quirks u still can tolerate me and sometimes able to subdue me.
so in short, perhaps u can put a leash on me...
taking this in consideration, my reaction will be asking my mother to put on a band of relatives to go to ur house n ask ur family for ur hand in marriage. then we make beautiful n smart babies n live happily ever after.
~the end~
p.s: the great thing about social networking site is the way we are communicating with our writing contains no body languages that could determine whether a statement is a real honest truth that comes deep down from the heart or just plain blatant lies. this statement is the truth. or partial truth. or not true at all
p.s.s: can see dat we future mangaloreans uni students are setting up for a dramatic love story 5 years in the running. kmc's sue + yenepoya's mun asked me similar question
weak spot. achilles' heels.
i could list a few things that i had considered as that, but as humans we progressed and gets stronger. especially if that spot is attacked again and again. bones gets denser, more b cells produced. i fell then i get up. i hurt then i am cured. each and every time i get stronger. n its strange that superman have not develop immunity towards kryptonite considering the amount of time he is exposed to it.
i actually consider myself as very close to invincible now. very apathetic. sometimes i even wonder if i will ever get hurt or cry again. and i am looking forward to get hurt so that i can emerge stronger and progress forward with the experience. to me that is how we learn. that is why sometimes i am very daredevil and provocative. i like to exposed myself to danger. i am masochistic in that way. n to teach people and make them stronger, i hurt them.(might just be a rationalization of my sadism though).
for now my weight is still an issue to me though i am close to conquering it and i know i will. but i might also struggle with it for my whole life but it really does not concern me as much as it did and wont effect my general happiness and well-being as long as i am healthy.
other than that i am currently weak against attractive people who does cute things. i'll go ahhhh n then melt. but it usually lasts for a while only. perhaps its the hormones.
there are also a very few people that i really admire n will response to their booty call/orders no matter what